ThemaEuropa, Marktdaten, Regulierung
AutorRonald Kleverlaan, Karsten Wenzlaff, Yunuo Zhao, Pieter van de Glind, Elorie Roux
ModellRendite (Crowdinvesting, Crowdlending), Spenden , Vorverkauf
What is the current state of crowdfunding in Europe? This year, based on the crowdfunding market performance in 2020, CrowdfundingHub has carried out a research, concentrating on the analysis and the information regrouping of six representative European countries: France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, UK. Also, this report shares insights of experts from six other European countries (Spain, Finland, Malta, Portugal, Hungary and Denmark).
In this report, we also address several special focuses that concentrate on the implementation of the Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers (ECSP) and the impacts of COVID-19 on European crowdfunding markets.
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